Soghra Entreprises


Rooftop Solutions

On-Grid System

On-grid or grid-tie systems are by far the most commonly used systems. These systems are connected to the grid and do not require battery storage. The energy generated is used to power up the load and the surplus generated is routed to the grid and sold to the electricity board. The system won’t provide backup power incase of power cuts.

  • Requires less maintenance
  • Less than 5 years pay back
  • Earn money for the energy not used

Q. Can we run Air Conditioning ?
A. Yes. You can run every equipment in your household on this system. (Geyser, Washing Machine, Television etc,)
Q. Will it work in overcast (rainy) conditions ?
A. The system will generate, albeit less, under overcast conditions.
Q. Does it require heavy maintenance?
A. No. You only need to make sure the panels remain clean with no dust on them. Our comprehensive AMC (2 yrs free) will cover the other major maintenance requirements.
Q. What about the subsidy ?
A. Non-commercial consumers are eligible for a subsidy of upto 30% on the system. Also, there are additional tax benefits.
Q. What about the paperwork for subsidy ?
A. The paperwork is pretty simple and we will provide guidance. However, if required, we will get it done.

Hybrid System

Hybrid System is connected to the grid and primarily uses solar energy to power up the load. Surplus energy is stored in batteries which will be used to provide backup when the generation is low. When the battery and generation fall below the required level the system automatically turns to the grid to offer uninterrupted supply. The system works smartly to reduce power bill and also ensure power in case of power cuts.

  • Batteries offer backup in the evening when there is no Solar available.
  • Hybrid System remove the need for conventional home UPS/Inverters by offering backup incase of powercuts.

Q. Can we run Air Conditioning ?
A. No. Running Air Conditioners or loads that require heavy starting power cannot be run on this system.
Q. Will it work in overcast (rainy) conditions ?
A. The system will generate, albeit less, under overcast conditions.
Q. Does it require heavy maintenance?
A. No. You only need to make sure the panels remain clean with no dust on them. Our comprehensive AMC (2 yrs free) will cover the other major maintenance requirements.
Q. Is it suited for me ?
A. We will need to assess your location to advice but, generally, if you don’t face lengthy powercuts on a regular basis we recommend the On-Grid or Grid-Tie system.
Q. Will I need to install a Home UPS/Invertor for powercuts ?
A. This system removes the need for having a backup Inverter/UPS as it includes batteries which are charged by the Solar power regularly.